Applicant Information
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Thank you for your interest in the Urbana Recreation Council. Before proceeding, please carefully review the background screening disqualification criteria: A person should be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a volunteer if the person has been found guilty of the following crimes: For purposes of this policy; Guilty shall mean that a person was found guilty following a trial, entered a guilty plea, entered a no contest plea accompanied by a court finding of guilt (regardless of adjudication), or received court directed programs in lieu of conviction. 1. A crime involving a child 2. A crime involving cruelty to animals 3. A crime involving domestic violence 4. A weapon or firearm violation of Federal or State laws 5. A sex offense 6. A violent crime classified as a felony 7. Abduction or kidnapping 8. Abuse of a child or an adult 9. Confinement of an unattended child 10. Manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing a controlled dangerous substance 11. Perjury 12. Pornography 13. Possession with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense a controlled dangerous substance 14. Reckless endangerment. SEX OFFENSES All Sex Offenses Regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include: child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, indecent exposure, etc. FELONIES All Felony Violence Regardless of the amount of time since offense. Examples include: murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated Burglary, etc. All Felony offenses other than violence or sex within the past 10 years. Examples include: drug offenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, child endangerment, etc. MISDEMEANORS All misdemeanor violence offenses within the past 7 years Examples include: simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc. Two or more misdemeanor drug & alcohol offenses within the past 7 years. Examples include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia, etc. Any other misdemeanor within the past 5 years that would be considered a potential danger to children. Open/Pending Charges An individual with open charges, for any of the crimes listed above shall be prohibited from participation in any capacity. It is the responsibility of the individual to notify the subordinate organization, for which they are applying to volunteer, as to the judgement of the court. The individual will be prohibited from participating in any capacity until it is proven that they are cleared through the official adjudication of the case. If an individual has been identified as having received a conviction, a probation before judgement disposition, a not criminally responsible disposition, or a pending charge for the commission or attempted commission of a crime or offense that is not included herein, the Officers of the subordinate organization shall assess the individual’s suitability for the volunteer position based on the following factors: 1. The position for which the individual is applying or for which the individual is currently involved 2. The nature and seriousness of the incident, crime, or offense 3. The period of time that has elapsed since the incident, crime, or offense has occurred 4. The age of the individual at the time the incident, crime, or offense occurred 5. The individuals’ probation or parole status, if applicable 6. Any other information the subordinate organization considers pertinent Upon completion of the assessment the subordinate organization will notify the individual regarding their eligibility as a volunteer.

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NCSI is the official background screening provider for your organization. If you would like to learn more about NCSI, please visit our website at https://solutions.ncsisafe.com. For questions about this application process, you may contact support@ncsisafe.com. To begin your background screening application, please click NEXT.